Most women are terrified of strength training because they think they will end up looking like this:

It is physically impossible for women to achieve this kind of muscularity no matter how hard they train without taking steroids. You can spend 24 hours a day in the gym and still never look like the above images without taking steroids. These are pictures of professional female body builders. In order for them to be competitive in the sport most if not all take steroids. In contrast to these extreme examples below you will see the women who participate in the Miss Fitness Pageants. Trust me when I say that these women are no slouches either. They spend hours in the gym lifting weights everyday when they train for a competition. Yet, instead of looking like men, they look like toned and fit women because they do not take steroids.
There is no need to be afraid of Strength Training.
There is no need to be afraid of Strength Training.
The other extreme side of the coin are the women who have very little muscle due to too much cardio and zero strength training. These women go to the extreme of restricting their caloric intake so much they can be classified as bulimic in some cases. As mentioned before for every pound of weight that these women lose 60% is muscle and 40% is fat. Without any strength training they end up looking like this: