Your Ideal Weight
Your ideal weight is calculated using the Body Mass Index or BMI. At the low end of your ideal weight range your BMI will be over 18.5. At the high end of your ideal weight range your BMI will be under 25. When I show most overweight people this range they tend to laugh and say things like "yeah right!", or "I wish", and "That's never gonna happen". Believe me I know that it may seem impossible to get to your ideal weight range especially if you've been overweight for most of your life but it is attainable. With the right understanding of how your body works and with a proper program you'd be amazed at what you can accomplish. Stay away from the latest and greatest fad. They won't work and will only continue to discourage and distract you from achieving your goal. Continue to visit this and other sites that teach you instead of try to sell you something and if you ever need a little help click on the CONTACT tab above to get in touch with me. Good Luck, work hard, and NEVER give up.