Your LBM:Lean Body Mass
Your Lean Body Mass (LBM) is a measurement of your total body weight minus all fat. It basically gives you the weight of your muscles and bones. Although it includes the weight of your bones, it is still used to monitor how much muscle you are gaining or losing because of your routine. Your bones don't increase or decrease in size or weight if you are an adult. Therefore any increase or decrease in your LBM is caused by a gain or loss in muscle mass. Monitor your LBM to make sure you aren't losing too much muscle as you lose weight. Remember; less muscle = a slower metabolism/lower RMR and this will result in easier weight gain that is harder to lose.
There is no specific lean body mass number that you should aim for but the lower your body fat percentage the more lean body mass you will have. If you can get your BFP (Body Fat Percentage) to the low end of your healthy range you will have a great amount of lean body mass for your particular weight and height. Not only that but you will look toned and have a flat stomach. Check the body fat percentage chart below to see what a healthy BFP will be for you.
Your BMI: Body Mass Index

Your BMI is calculated using your height and weight. It is a measurement of how round you are. The higher your BMI the rounder you look. This measurement has gained wide spread popularity as the only measurement everyone should use to measure progress when losing weight. Although I agree that their is no better way to measure how slim a person looks than by checking their BMI, I don't think that this should be the only tool a person who is watching their weight should use to measure progress. My reason for this is because the BMI doesn't account for how lean a person is. As I've stated before you can have a low BMI and still be very flabby. A skinny person can still not look fit.
Many people who are losing weight use the BMI to measure progress and are shocked when they get to the Normal Weight category and are still unsatisfied with what they see in the mirror. If these people decreased their BFP (Body Fat Percentage) and maintained their LBM (Lean Body Mass) while losing weight they would be much happier with what they saw as they approached the Normal Weight range of their BMI. The reason for this is because by decreasing your BFP (Body Fat Percentage) and maintaining your LBM (Lean Body Mass) you will avoid two major problems that those who just use the BMI can run into:
1. Loose skin
2. A flabby body
The BMI is used to measure how slim you look and there is no better tool for that but don't overlook all of the other important measurements you should be conscious of when losing weight.